Praxis announces tiered fee schedule

Praxis update |

New investment advisory fees effective Jan. 1, 2021

Effective Jan. 1, 2021, Praxis Mutual Funds® implemented a tiered fee schedule for investment advisory fees on the following funds:

Praxis filed a supplement to the prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission showing the impact on the overall expense ratio of these funds. The new fee schedules are expected to reduce expense ratios as assets in the funds grow, sharing more of the success of the funds with our shareholders. This change did not affect the Praxis Small Cap Index expense ratio because of the fund’s size.

The new investment advisory fees for the affected funds are:

  • Praxis Growth Index Fund: 0.25%
  • Praxis Value Index Fund: 0.27%
  • Praxis Impact Bond Fund: 0.37%

For more information, please see the prospectus supplement and revised summary prospectuses by visiting

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Author Mark Regier
Director of Sales, Praxis Mutual Funds

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