With Praxis Mutual Funds, your investments can make a difference for you, and the world around you.
Investing together, impacting the world.
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Read articleEmpowering clean energy for a sustainable tomorrow
Read articlePraxis Growth Index Fund (MMDEX) recognized on two lists highlighting climate and sustainability-aware funds
Read articleCelebrating three decades of aligning investments with values
Read articleSeeks current income and, to a lesser extent, seeks capital appreciation.
Impact Bond Fund Quarterly Commentary (PDF)
Impact Bond Fund quarterly fact sheet (PDF)
Real Impact Quarterly (PDF)
Seeks capital appreciation through a portfolio of stocks intended to reflect the investment performance of the U.S. large cap growth equities market.
Seeks capital appreciation through a portfolio intended to reflect the investment performance of the large cap value equities market.
Seeks capital appreciation through a portfolio consisting primarily of smaller company stocks.
Seeks to capture the investment performance of developed and emerging international markets.
Combine your faith and finances with Praxis Genesis Portfolios, allowing you to easily and conveniently invest in the risk level that may best fit your situation.
Our core values embrace a wide range of social concerns our Christian faith calls us to consider - as well as traditional, prudent, financial considerations. Our values provide a consistent standard for current and future investments.