Shareholder advocacy

Praxis engages directly with companies and encourages them to pursue business practices that support positive social change.

Discover how shareholder advocacy creates real-world change.

How we do it

Aspiring for a better world

As shareholders, we are part owners of companies. This means we can talk to the companies we own, and ask them about their policies and practices. Praxis believes it is our responsibility to encourage companies toward responsible business behavior.
Sunlight shining through some treetops

Our focus

We are currently working with companies on issues of environmental sustainability, modern slavery – also known as human trafficking – and inequality.
Close up of a small leaf on a twisted vine

Meaningful action

Communication with executives, board members and governments happens through shareholder resolutions, direct dialogue and coalition work.

Current advocacy initiatives

We center our shareholder advocacy work around three main topics. We partner with organizations associated with ICCR and Ceres to form coalitions that give weight to the positions we urge companies toward.

Aerial view of road running a long a beach front through the woods

Environmental sustainability

We believe God calls us to be faithful stewards of all God has entrusted us. In this topic, we focus on climate change and toxic chemicals.

Aerial view of rows of vegetation on a tea plantation

Addressing inequality

Inequality is a long-term problem and its roots can be traced to many sources. The effects of inequality can lead to distrust and even breakdown within societies. We are engaging companies in three areas of inequality: gender, race and economic. 
Table with cacao beans and chocolate

Responsibility engagements

These engagements are not included within our primary focus issues but they reflect our responsibility to address a wide range of social concerns related to our holdings in the Praxis funds.

Environmental sustainability

Issue Company Latest engagement
Climate change – utilities American Electric Power

Aug. 2023 Dialogue with AEP on greenhouse gas targets and climate-related disclosures, climate lobbying, energy efficiency, Just Transition, renewable energy and capital expenditure plans.
Nov. 2022 Took part in an update and analysis on AEP’s Just Transition framework. Also reviewed AEP’s latest climate lobbying report.

Climate change – oil and gas ConocoPhillips

March 2023 Dialogue on climate change including CapEx alignment versus climate scenarios, end use of products (Scope 3 emissions), climate lobbying and trade associations, and board oversight of climate strategy.
Nov. 2022
 Dialogue with ConocoPhillips on climate change including the company’s climate alignment with its capital expenditures, Scope 3 emissions targets, climate lobbying and trade associations, and board oversight of climate strategy.

Climate change – banks Citigroup

Sept. 2023 Dialogue on climate change, covering Net Zero carbon commitments, greening the company’s lending portfolio, and renewable energy financing.

Climate change – banks Morgan Stanley

Sept. 2023 Dialogue on climate change, covering Net Zero carbon commitments, greening the company’s lending portfolio, and renewable energy financing.
Dec. 2022 Co-filed shareholder proposal at Morgan Stanley asking the company to issue a report disclosing a climate transition plan that describes how it intends to align its financing activities with its 2030 sectoral greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

Climate change – proxy voting ISS

 Aug. 2023 Joined investor letter encouraging ISS to strengthen its benchmark policy on climate, as well as develop specialty policies that would provide a gold-standard approach to comprehensive climate voting recommendations and issuer analysis.

Antibiotics McDonald's

Jan. 2023 Dialogue with McDonald’s on ground for withdrawal of our shareholder proposal. The proposal requests that the company adopt an enterprise-wide policy to phase out the use of medically important antibiotics in its beef and pork supply chains.
Dec. 2022 Co-filed shareholder proposal at McDonald’s requesting that it adopt an enterprise-wide policy to phase out the use of medically-important antibiotics for disease prevention purposes in its beef and pork supply chains.
Nov. 2022 Dialogue with McDonald’s on antibiotics. We discussed topics including defining “responsible use”, antibiotic reduction targets, and fulfilment of the company’s 2020 goals.

Biodiversity BRF

March 2023 Dialogue with BRF on biodiversity, waste, and pollution risks and opportunities in its agricultural practices.

Addressing inequality

Issue Company Latest engagement
Human trafficking Delta Airlines

July 2023 Dialogue to discuss the company’s ongoing efforts to address human trafficking, including employee training, victims’ services, and coordination with law enforcement.
July 2022
Dialogue with Delta following-up on our June conversation. Discussed the company’s efforts to address human trafficking, its ongoing response to the COVID pandemic, as well as its efforts to support workers’ overall health and well-being.

Online child exploitation Apple

Sept. 2023 Co-filed shareholder proposal requesting that Apple publish a report by March 2025 that assesses the risks of its products and services being used to facilitate online sexual exploitation of children, and the company’s efforts to prevent this activity.
Feb. 2023
Joined investor letter to Apple requesting that they improve their response to child safety risks and asking for a dialogue on the subject.

Online child exploitation AT&T

Feb. 2023 Dialogue with AT&T on prevention and action regarding online child exploitation. Conversation focused on measures companies are taking to protect children, metrics companies can report on this subject, and partnerships with law enforcement, NGOs, and industry peers.
Jan. 2022
Dialogue with AT&T on its efforts to combat child sexual exploitation online. Conversation focused on its child rights risk assessment, governance and oversight, employee training, and partnerships and collaborations.

Indigenous rights Newmont

Sept. 2023 Dialogue on their mining operations and relations with workers and indigenous tribes.

Indigenous rights Insurance companies

March 2023 Dialogue on indigenous rights with ConocoPhillips focusing on indigenous communities in Alaska’s North Slope, the Willow Project, and the process for gaining consent for development from communities.
Aug. 2022 Joined letter from the Gwich'in Steering Committee to leading insurance companies asking them not to insure drilling efforts in the Artic Refuge to respect the rights of Alaska Indigenous communities, and avoid harming wildlife and exacerbating climate change.

Fair wages Nike

Sept. 2023 Joined investor letter asking the company to pay outstanding wage payments for garment workers in factories in Cambodia and Thailand employed by the Ramatex Group. Workers were dismissed and/or did not receive legally owed partial wages during a factory shutdown.

Worker health and safety Dollar General

Sept. 2023 Signed on to investor letter requesting a meeting to discuss how the company is implementing the worker health and safety audit shareholder proposal and to share investor recommendations for the audit and reporting process.

Racial inequality  

Feb. 2023 Joined investor statement regarding the European Commission’s proposed legislation governing artificial intelligence (AI). While AI can enable advancements in some areas, it can contribute towards harms such as wide-spread surveillance, invasion of privacy and discrimination against the most vulnerable.

Forced labor  

Jan. 2023 Signed on to investor statement supporting robust forced labor regulations and welcoming the European Commission’s proposal to prohibit products made with forced labor from entering the European Union market.

Subminimum wage  

March 2023 Joined investor statement in support of ending the subminimum wage;. A “subminimum wage” is a wage paid that is less than the federal or state mandated minimum wage, which federal law allows with certain groups of workers. The subminimum wage upholds systemic racism and disproportionately impacts women.

Responsibility engagements

Issue Company Latest engagement
Tobacco Walgreens

Feb. 2023 Joined investor letter requesting a dialogue on the company's future strategy on tobacco sales and statements promising transparency regarding the issue.

DOL ESG rule U.S. House of Representatives

Feb. 2023 Participated in investor letter to Congress in support of the Department of Labor’s ESG Rule and opposing actions that would take away investor choice.

 Drug pricing Pharmaceutical companies

Aug. 2023 Pharmaceutical companies are filing a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services over the IRA provision allowing the government to negotiate drug prices. Joined investor statement asking the companies and their trade associations to drop the lawsuits.

To obtain holdings as of the most previous quarter, please visit the fund pages.

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Inspiring stories

Making a difference

Apple Inc logo
Shareholder advocacy

Shareholders withdraw proposal in exchange for company commitments


Man standing in front of pine trees outside
Shareholder advocacy

Incremental change for Earth Day and in shareholder engagement

Finding hope in the progress we experience

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Five people in a conference room talking
Shareholder advocacy

Women's representation on boards continues to grow

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Aerial view of road running a long a beach front through the woods
Shareholder advocacy

Praxis meets with Duke Energy on climate and clean energy

The engagement continues productive conversation

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