Genesis Portfolios
Whether you’re a long-time investor planning for retirement or you’re just starting out with a new career, consider choosing a Praxis Genesis Portfolio that may best suit your stage in life.

Talk to your financial advisor to invest in Praxis Mutual Funds. You can also complete an online application or download a paper application.
Or call us at 800-977-2947.
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1 There may be a low balance account fee charged if certain requirements are not met. See prospectus for more details.
2 Because each fund in the Genesis Portfolios is a “fund of funds,” the cost of investing in a fund may be higher than the cost of investing directly in the shares of the underlying funds in which they invest. Each fund will bear its share of fees and expenses of the underlying funds in addition to indirectly bearing the principal risks of those funds.
3 Exchange traded funds (ETFs) involve additional risks such as the market price trading at a discount to its net asset value, an active secondary trading market may not develop or be maintained, or trading may be halted by the exchange in which they trade, which may impact a fund’s ability to sell its shares.